Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics kustom amplifiers

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  • #19501

    Kustom amplifiers have a 50 watt head model called the trt 50 that i’m interested in. It is all tube and the musicians friend price is 00. Anyone ever hear of this brand, and how good is it’s distortion and clean? Can anyone tell me anything about experiences with other models from this brand?

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    • #100477

      : Kustom amplifiers have a 50 watt head model called the trt 50 that i’m interested in. It is all tube and the musicians friend price is $400. Anyone ever hear of this brand, and how good is it’s distortion and clean? Can anyone tell me anything about experiences with other models from this brand?

      • #111065

        It´s a good decent amp. It´s very warm and mellow. Great for old rock and blues. It has a very Fender tone. It´s reliable and very distinctive. Great for a Mark Knopfler sound.

    • #81017

      : Kustom amplifiers have a 50 watt head model called the trt 50 that i’m interested in. It is all tube and the musicians friend price is $400. Anyone ever hear of this brand, and how good is it’s distortion and clean? Can anyone tell me anything about experiences with other models from this brand? Hi,T.E,dont know much about them but I think john fogerty ex creedence uses one you can see it on his dvd,cant remember the title but its a concert he plays outdoors ,kenny aranoff is on drums,anyway he says he has been using the kustom amp since the early days and has used it on all his records,goodluck B.J.kenna Australia

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