Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Thin Picks, Thick picks? Sweep picking.

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  • #19502

    Firstly, is there anybody out there who has tabbed out the solo of Muffin man by Frank Zappa? Also I have got to grips with sweep picking, but would like a few tips in this area ie some 70’s guitarist rigidy keep the first two fingers on their pick & the other two fingers on the scratch plate in order to create a pivot, is this a good idea? Also how do you still keep your melody or lead style alive when sweeping, I find it sounds flash but it’s difficult to make is sound emotional. Plus with so many picks available which do you think is the best & why. Plus what do you use. I have been told so many stories like don’t use a thick pick or you will never be able to use a thin etc. I use a dunlop 2.0mm which is quite thick & it did take a fair while before I could get certain strumming patterns ie long train running, lost in music etc. I would greatly appreciate any advice with picks, simply because most of the older guitarists who I have met always tell me that they never had the effects we have today, & they altered their tone with their picking style.

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  • Author
    • #32905

      Dude. You are a high monkey. Next time, have your spliff AFTER you post your questions.

      p.s. I use medium picks for strumming-intensive music and a hard pick for picking-intensive mustic.

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