Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics playing live first time alone or w/band

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  • #19406

    I’m really curious to hear peoples stories about the first time they played live with guitar, either alone or with a band. Also, I’d love to get some smart tips on playing live, and things to do/not to do. ~Lyn~

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    • #28691

      First time I played live was with a straight ahead rock band. We ran out of material to play with an hour left to go. That sucked. I would suggest you have a gig video taped. After I looked at a live video of our band playing, we looked dead. Just standing there playing. You need to move around, talk to the audience between songs. Remember to play FOR the audience. Put on a show !!

    • #28597

      : I’m really curious to hear peoples stories about the first time they played live with guitar, either alone or with a band. Also, I’d love to get some smart tips on playing live, and things to do/not to do.

      The first time I played live was with my band (we have since broken up due to differences in interest). It was the most embarrasing live show I’ve ever done because right as I got to the solo, the sound guy decided to turn my amp off because it was making too much feedback. Actually, I needed the feedback as it was part of the song. After the show, I proceeded to walk to the soundboard and beat the living shit out of the sound guy in front of everyone. We had to pay for all the damage we did and noone in the band is ever allowed to play there again.

      : ~Lyn~

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