Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics How do I put together a Professional Rack System Setup

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  • #19300

    I’m looking to build a rack system that I can use on concert tours in the tri-state area. I’m currently using an RP10 which is junk for what I need. I need to be able to setup to 3-5 different delay, Chorus’, etc. I need to be able to press one switch for it all. I’ve seen where a Bradshaw Switching System can be used for this. However, I’m in the stone age when it comes to this stuff. I really need help and suggestions on what to buy for hush, how to hook up multiple amps and amplifiers, etc. I’m stupid to this stuff. I have played so long just straight guitar, trying to get the most out of my instrument. I am now putting the icing on so to speak. Our band plays everything from Rock, to blues, to jazz. So it demands it.

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  • Author
    • #31674

      Contact . There is a product that they make (or will make) that will suit your needs. Pricy but worth it.

    • #26706

      I was going to ask whether Scott got an answer to his question, but my reply simply restated his question. Sorry!

    • #26708

      : I’m looking to build a rack system that I can use on concert tours in the tri-state area. I’m currently using an RP10 which is junk for what I need. I need to be able to setup to 3-5 different delay, Chorus’, etc. I need to be able to press one switch for it all. I’ve seen where a Bradshaw Switching System can be used for this. However, I’m in the stone age when it comes to this stuff. I really need help and suggestions on what to buy for hush, how to hook up multiple amps and amplifiers, etc. I’m stupid to this stuff. I have played so long just straight guitar, trying to get the most out of my instrument. I am now putting the icing on so to speak. Our band plays everything from Rock, to blues, to jazz. So it demands it.

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