Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics How do I put together a Professional Rack System?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 24 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #19298

    I’m interested in building a professional rack system for traveling on tour. Can I put something together that will switch multiple effects by one switch using midi technology? I’m not familiar in using midi, but I have an idea of how it works. I use delay, but different settings constanly, I use chorus, but at different settings also. I use very little equalization, some reverb and that is about it. But I can’t use stomp boxes for what I need to do. I have a harmonizer I would like to use. I’ve heard about the Rocktron Bradshaw Switching system, but I’m not sure of what I need to put everything together. Hush boxes and etc. I have a RP-10 currently, and hate it. Too complicated and too much junk. Since it is digital, it cuts out between effects for a split second in the middle of songs, leaving a moment of silence between effect switching. I really don’t want anything of the sort again. Can anyone help with suggestions, what to look for, who to contact in helping me. I need professional, experinced advice.

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  • Author
    • #26284

      Do a search for a guy called Bob Bradshaw in the States. I’ve read an article about him and he works for all the pro’s.

      Probably pricey though 🙁


      Ben Jackson

      : I’m interested in building a professional rack system for traveling on tour. Can I put something together that will switch multiple effects by one switch using midi technology? I’m not familiar in using midi, but I have an idea of how it works. I use delay, but different settings constanly, I use chorus, but at different settings also. I use very little equalization, some reverb and that is about it. But I can’t use stomp boxes for what I need to do. I have a harmonizer I would like to use. I’ve heard about the Rocktron Bradshaw Switching system, but I’m not sure of what I need to put everything together. Hush boxes and etc. I have a RP-10 currently, and hate it. Too complicated and too much junk. Since it is digital, it cuts out between effects for a split second in the middle of songs, leaving a moment of silence between effect switching. I really don’t want anything of the sort again. Can anyone help with suggestions, what to look for, who to contact in helping me. I need professional, experinced advice.

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