Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics What’s the best phrase sampler??

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  • #19296

    I want to purchase a digital phrase sampler–a device that will record music, then play it back at slower speed to assist in learning. I know Akai nad Sabine make units. The Riffmaster seems not to be available any longer. What’s the best product? Thanks, Lewis

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    • #26287

      If your looking for a software program that can be used on a computer, try "Transcriber" Here is the web page In my opinion it is the best out there. I like it much better than all the different samplers I’ve seen that are separate boxes tha you have to record to. The downfall is that unless you have a laptop it’s not really portable.

      • #80136

        : If your looking for a software program that can be used on a computer, try "Transcriber" Here is the web page In my opinion it is the best out there. I like it much better than all the different samplers I’ve seen that are separate boxes tha you have to record to. The downfall is that unless you have a laptop it’s not really portable. try to get an ibanez Rock & Play Rp50 /RP200…

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