Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Travelling Guitars, Martin backpacker or Ibanez DayTripper?

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  • #19594

    g’day. I am looking for a travelling guitar but am not sure which to go for. I have read that the martin is a pain to balance and requires a strap, that it is top heavy and you have no where to rest you right hand. But i haven’t really seen anything about the Ibanez. Any personal preferences, pro’ or con’s of either of these, or any others would be really handy. Cheers, Brendan

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    • #97509

      Sorry if this is totally out of date but i bought a daytripper for my hols last year and adore it! It has that sound that comes from a smaller bodied guitar that sounds like a resonator or some similar type sound, quite deep, lovely blues tone, I can play lead, bend strings and it is very responsive. It is just right for folk and blues, and practising your licks at anytime, mine is permanently in my kitchen! Don’t know how the pickup sounds cos I have never plugged it in! Buy one while you can…. My other guitars in case you are wondering, 70’s Les Paul, Mexican Strat and Takemine G series. paul

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