Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics Re: Please help with info on Gretsch 3140!!!!!! It’s on sale. I’m runnning out of time!!! :)

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  • #20790

    ……number #1, it’s made in Korea…..#2 I have one and it makes a good wall ornament….it looks better than it sounds, besides a gretsch without a filtertronic pickup just isn’t the same, and #3, why would you buy something sight unseen without playing it???

    : Could anyone provide me with info on a Gretsch 3140 guitar.

    : It’s apart of the historic line, and has a beautiful orange finish.

    : It retails for 1500, and was selling for 950.00 marked down to 549.00.

    : Can anyone tell me if they have played this guitar, or if they know how it plays. I’m trying to decide if this is a good deal or not. It is on sale right now, and I’m running out of time on my decision, so I was hoping that someone can provide me with some info to help in my decision.

    : I would appreciate your help!

    : Here it is:

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