Guitarsite Forums Discussion Popular Topics What’s the Best Metal Humbucker Pickup?

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  • #19525

    I’m looking for a new pivkup to put in my Ibanez RG570, but I don’t know which one would be the best for metal. I was thinking maybe a Seymor Duncan Screamin’ Demon, or an EMG but I don’t know which EMG is best. Anyone have any advice?

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  • Author
    • #95533

      : I’m looking for a new pivkup to put in my Ibanez RG570, but I don’t know which one would be the best for metal. I was thinking maybe a Seymor Duncan Screamin’ Demon, or an EMG but I don’t know which EMG is best. Anyone have any advice? Well u better get a better guitar than a ibanez i mean what the fuck are u gunna put 300 dollars into an ibanez for they suck dip shit

    • #90664

      I have a Seymore Duncan Distortion (SH-6B) in the bridge in my kramer 300hst which has a mahogany body and maple neck so it sounds mad but it has a floyd rose on it and I like the Gibson style bridge for more sustain. Any way the picks great good for pinch harmonics.

    • #34922

      : I’m looking for a new pickup to put in my Ibanez RG570, but I don’t know which one would be the best for metal. I was thinking maybe a Seymor Duncan Screamin’ Demon, or an EMG but I don’t know which EMG is best. Anyone have any advice?

      First of all, sell the Ibanez, that shit isnt worth anything, and it is made of very cheap, bad wood. Buy a Les Paul, SG, Tele, or Strat. Then put a Gibson 490R and a 498T in it. Pawn the Ibanez, you can probablly get about 0.00 for it if it is good as far as Ibanez guitars go. heck, I might even give you 5.00. Sell it to some pot-head mudvayne fan, theyll probablly give you the most for it.

    • #33436

      Bill Lawrence L-500. Even with thick distortion, you can hear every individual note of the chord. Really good. The Seymour JB is great too.

    • #32922

      ive found the "seymour duncan jeff beck" to be superb. it retains its clarity with high gain (you dont want things to mush out) it has a good output, but unlike some high gain pickups "RETAINS CLARITY" try one, you will be impressed

    • #32904

      The screamin demon sucks from what I hear- no highoutput – You want a high output – I’ve heard great things about Seymour JBs- what Steph Carpenter used to use b4 he switched to what I use now and recommend EMG 81’s or for passive what Iused to use a Dimarzio Evolution. Good Luck –

    • #32892

      I like passive pickups myself.But the old EMG humbuckers can roast your amp!The D’marzio PAF pro smokes,the Carvin M22 roars,Seymore SH-5 are smooth and hot!There are other pickups out there,but these are my favorites.If you’re looking for a dist. pedal, try the Ibanez Smash-box.It doesn’t have that shitty parametric E.Q. like the MT-2,I sold mine!
      Good Luck

    • #32875

      What type of sound are you trying to get? There are different metal tones available. EMG’s are very transparent sounding. They tend to sound the best with quality tone woods like Koa or if you go through a ton of effects. Your Ibanez has a basswood body that generally needs some tonal help through your choice of pickup.


    • #32870

      The Emg SR400 – Is the best

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